Tuesday, 5. September 2006
A project in Germany
peacecamp, 21:22h
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Friday, 25. August 2006
Group breaks down barriers
Women from different cultures
change fear and hatred into love
By Rabbi Amy Eilberg
Women from different cultures
change fear and hatred into love
By Rabbi Amy Eilberg
peacecamp, 20:53h
DENVER, Aug. 16 (JTA) -- Outside, war raged. Each day's newspaper brought images of destruction and
hate; hopelessness reigned. Yet on a small college campus in Colorado, a group of young women created a very
different reality.
This summer, 75 young women from Israel, the West Bank and the United States attended a two-week
intensive program in dialogue- and relationship-building sponsored by Building Bridges for Peace.
This summer, the program's 13th year, staff feared that conditions on the ground might deter participants
from coming -- or that the level of trauma and pain might be too great to allow the program to do its usual magic of
transforming stereotypes into deep understanding, changing suspicion, fear and hatred into love. Not a single
participant stayed away. The young women came, full of emotion, youthful vitality and girlish energy, and with their
capacity for hope and transformation, incredibly, intact.
The young women, ages 16 to 20, and their counselors, ages 20 to 25, plunged quickly and deeply into the
essential issues that divide them, exploring the dynamics of the conflict that have kept the people of the Middle East
at war since long before they were born.
One day, paper bags were hung from the walls of the meeting room, marked with evocative words like
``soldier," ``martyr," ``Hezbollah," and ``occupation." The participants wrote their thoughts and feelings about
these trigger words and placed them anonymously into the paper bags.
By the next day, the staff had written all the responses on large sheets of paper. The participants walked
around the room in complete silence, horrified by the stereotypes, hatred and pain that so many of us carry, and
struck by the starkly contrasting meanings these realities have for the different communities.
The next day, mixed groups -- Israeli, Palestinian and American -- created and presented timelines of their
peoples' histories. We were all confronted with a visual image of the different realities inhabited by the Israelis and
Palestinians. The two groups were worlds apart even in their description of the most basic ``facts" of the conflict
that define all of their lives.
Participants began to struggle with the program and their counselors; hopelessness began to take hold.
Every few days news filtered in that loved ones had been killed back home. They held one another and took turns
wiping each other's tears.
Not all their time was spent in difficult conversation. The young women played and made art together and
did volunteer work in the community.
And at each meal time, they erupted into song. They sang serious, meaningful songs expressing yearnings
for a better world -- ``If I Had a Hammer," ``Lean on Me" and ``Imagine" -- and they sang silly, joyful songs with
delightful choreographies that filled the dining hall with youthful exuberance. They sang songs of peace in English,
in Hebrew, and in Arabic.
At such moments, it seemed that nothing divided them. Enemies were becoming friends. At late-night staff
meetings, counselors released the emotion accumulated during the day, when they labored to respond to
participants' unanswerable questions and worked to maintain the safe, sacred and hope-filled container of the
One particularly painful night, two young women who looked remarkably alike -- one a beautiful, eloquent
Palestinian college student and one a beautiful, eloquent Israeli who had just completed her army service -- fell into
a deep sense of hopelessness. What if their anguished doubts were right? Was change really possible in their
troubled, beloved land? How could they imagine going home, now a place full of violence, hatred and fear?
The two young women began to sob, each in her own place in the circle, until they stepped into the center
of the circle and embraced each other. They held one another for a long time, two dark-haired, dark-skinned young
women, comforting one another, easing the pain and fear by carrying it together.
When we thought the campers were ready, we challenged them to the ultimate empathy exercise. Having
placed the participants in mixed duos -- an Israeli with a Palestinian from the West Bank, an American with an
Israeli Arab, etc. -- we asked them a series of questions, like, ``How do you feel about being an
American/Israeli/Palestinian?" ``How do you feel about the checkpoints?" ``What comes to your mind when you
hear that a bus was blown up?" ``What do you think of Hezbollah?" But this time, instead of speaking their own
opinion, the participants were asked to answer as they thought their partner would. And then they listened as their
partner, taking in the experience of being deeply heard, elaborated on her own answer, helping the speaker to
understand ``the other side" even more accurately and fully.
Afterward, we asked the young women what they had gained from this exercise. Their answers were
profoundly moving. ``It's good for me to know what the other side is feeling." ``I realized that the other side also
has pain." ``Wow! I didn't know that they look or feel the way I do about the situation." ``I felt so supported and
understood." ``I grew more hopeful because I felt I'd been heard. I felt she understood me and felt my pain.''
As the end of camp drew near, a palpable sadness descended. Loving friends clung to each other with a
sense of urgency to spend every last moment together. In a closing circle, many of the young women talked about
the pain of going home to a place full of violence and hatred, where no one would understand their experience of
having an enemy become a beloved friend. Others offered blessings, challenging one another to believe in the world
they had created together, and to claim their role as leaders in changing their reality and in creating a more peaceful,
loving future.
At the closing lunch, shared with an appreciative community of supporters in Denver, an Israeli girl and a
Palestinian girl spoke to the crowd about their experience, and they embraced. And one last time, the young women
sang in Hebrew and Arabic:
Od yavo shalom aleinu . . . Salaam.
Leyahela alayna isalaam . . . Shalom.
May peace come to us and to all the world -- Salaam, Shalom.
Rabbi Amy Eilberg is the co-founder of the Yedidya Center for Jewish Spiritual Direction.
hate; hopelessness reigned. Yet on a small college campus in Colorado, a group of young women created a very
different reality.
This summer, 75 young women from Israel, the West Bank and the United States attended a two-week
intensive program in dialogue- and relationship-building sponsored by Building Bridges for Peace.
This summer, the program's 13th year, staff feared that conditions on the ground might deter participants
from coming -- or that the level of trauma and pain might be too great to allow the program to do its usual magic of
transforming stereotypes into deep understanding, changing suspicion, fear and hatred into love. Not a single
participant stayed away. The young women came, full of emotion, youthful vitality and girlish energy, and with their
capacity for hope and transformation, incredibly, intact.
The young women, ages 16 to 20, and their counselors, ages 20 to 25, plunged quickly and deeply into the
essential issues that divide them, exploring the dynamics of the conflict that have kept the people of the Middle East
at war since long before they were born.
One day, paper bags were hung from the walls of the meeting room, marked with evocative words like
``soldier," ``martyr," ``Hezbollah," and ``occupation." The participants wrote their thoughts and feelings about
these trigger words and placed them anonymously into the paper bags.
By the next day, the staff had written all the responses on large sheets of paper. The participants walked
around the room in complete silence, horrified by the stereotypes, hatred and pain that so many of us carry, and
struck by the starkly contrasting meanings these realities have for the different communities.
The next day, mixed groups -- Israeli, Palestinian and American -- created and presented timelines of their
peoples' histories. We were all confronted with a visual image of the different realities inhabited by the Israelis and
Palestinians. The two groups were worlds apart even in their description of the most basic ``facts" of the conflict
that define all of their lives.
Participants began to struggle with the program and their counselors; hopelessness began to take hold.
Every few days news filtered in that loved ones had been killed back home. They held one another and took turns
wiping each other's tears.
Not all their time was spent in difficult conversation. The young women played and made art together and
did volunteer work in the community.
And at each meal time, they erupted into song. They sang serious, meaningful songs expressing yearnings
for a better world -- ``If I Had a Hammer," ``Lean on Me" and ``Imagine" -- and they sang silly, joyful songs with
delightful choreographies that filled the dining hall with youthful exuberance. They sang songs of peace in English,
in Hebrew, and in Arabic.
At such moments, it seemed that nothing divided them. Enemies were becoming friends. At late-night staff
meetings, counselors released the emotion accumulated during the day, when they labored to respond to
participants' unanswerable questions and worked to maintain the safe, sacred and hope-filled container of the
One particularly painful night, two young women who looked remarkably alike -- one a beautiful, eloquent
Palestinian college student and one a beautiful, eloquent Israeli who had just completed her army service -- fell into
a deep sense of hopelessness. What if their anguished doubts were right? Was change really possible in their
troubled, beloved land? How could they imagine going home, now a place full of violence, hatred and fear?
The two young women began to sob, each in her own place in the circle, until they stepped into the center
of the circle and embraced each other. They held one another for a long time, two dark-haired, dark-skinned young
women, comforting one another, easing the pain and fear by carrying it together.
When we thought the campers were ready, we challenged them to the ultimate empathy exercise. Having
placed the participants in mixed duos -- an Israeli with a Palestinian from the West Bank, an American with an
Israeli Arab, etc. -- we asked them a series of questions, like, ``How do you feel about being an
American/Israeli/Palestinian?" ``How do you feel about the checkpoints?" ``What comes to your mind when you
hear that a bus was blown up?" ``What do you think of Hezbollah?" But this time, instead of speaking their own
opinion, the participants were asked to answer as they thought their partner would. And then they listened as their
partner, taking in the experience of being deeply heard, elaborated on her own answer, helping the speaker to
understand ``the other side" even more accurately and fully.
Afterward, we asked the young women what they had gained from this exercise. Their answers were
profoundly moving. ``It's good for me to know what the other side is feeling." ``I realized that the other side also
has pain." ``Wow! I didn't know that they look or feel the way I do about the situation." ``I felt so supported and
understood." ``I grew more hopeful because I felt I'd been heard. I felt she understood me and felt my pain.''
As the end of camp drew near, a palpable sadness descended. Loving friends clung to each other with a
sense of urgency to spend every last moment together. In a closing circle, many of the young women talked about
the pain of going home to a place full of violence and hatred, where no one would understand their experience of
having an enemy become a beloved friend. Others offered blessings, challenging one another to believe in the world
they had created together, and to claim their role as leaders in changing their reality and in creating a more peaceful,
loving future.
At the closing lunch, shared with an appreciative community of supporters in Denver, an Israeli girl and a
Palestinian girl spoke to the crowd about their experience, and they embraced. And one last time, the young women
sang in Hebrew and Arabic:
Od yavo shalom aleinu . . . Salaam.
Leyahela alayna isalaam . . . Shalom.
May peace come to us and to all the world -- Salaam, Shalom.
Rabbi Amy Eilberg is the co-founder of the Yedidya Center for Jewish Spiritual Direction.
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Wednesday, 9. August 2006
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10.8.06
Mehr Gemeinsames als Trennendes
George Szpiro
Mehr Gemeinsames als Trennendes
George Szpiro
peacecamp, 01:42h
Mehr Gemeinsames als Trennendes
Während in Südlibanon ein Krieg ausgefochten wird, in Nordisrael Raketen niedergehen, im Gazastreifen Militäroperationen durchgeführt werden und in der Negevwüste Kassam-Raketen landen, ging dieser Tage in Jerusalem ein Experiment zu Ende, das für das künftige Zusammenleben von Israeli und Palästinensern wegweisend sein könnte. Fünfzehn israelische und fünfzehn palästinensische Jugendliche lernten während den Sommerferien zusammen Computer programmieren. Der auf dem Gelände der Hebräischen Universität und mit Unterstützung der Al-Kuds University durchgeführte Kurs trug den Titel MEET (Middle East Education through Technology). Leitidee bei dem seit drei Jahren laufenden Experiment ist der Gedanke, dass sich fünfzehnjährige Jugendliche kennen- und schätzen lernen würden, wenn sie sich um eine Aufgabe scharen können, die mit dem herrschenden Konflikt nichts zu tun hat. Geleitet wurde der Kurs von Instruktoren der amerikanischen Eliteuniversität MIT.
Während fünf Wochen arbeiteten die Jungen und Mädchen in kleinen Gruppen miteinander - Umgangssprache war Englisch –, und entwickelten gemeinsame ihre Computerprojekte. Die Projektgruppen bestanden jeweils aus drei Palästinensern und drei Israeli. Es wurde diskutiert, entworfen, gerechnet und programmiert. Aufgaben wurden definiert, und Probleme wurden gelöst. Was überhaupt nicht zur Sprache kam, war der Nahostkonflikt. Und siehe da, die Jungen und Mädchen entdeckten, dass sie mehr Gemeinsames haben als Trennendes. Seitdem sind Noga aus Westjerusalem und Shaimaa aus Ostjerusalem beste Freundinnen, lachen über die gleichen Witze und ärgern sich über die gleichen Dummheiten. Sie gehen gemeinsam Pizza essen und wenn sie nicht zusammen sind, chatten sie auf dem Internet.
George Szpiro
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland)
POB 6278
Jerusalem 91060
Während in Südlibanon ein Krieg ausgefochten wird, in Nordisrael Raketen niedergehen, im Gazastreifen Militäroperationen durchgeführt werden und in der Negevwüste Kassam-Raketen landen, ging dieser Tage in Jerusalem ein Experiment zu Ende, das für das künftige Zusammenleben von Israeli und Palästinensern wegweisend sein könnte. Fünfzehn israelische und fünfzehn palästinensische Jugendliche lernten während den Sommerferien zusammen Computer programmieren. Der auf dem Gelände der Hebräischen Universität und mit Unterstützung der Al-Kuds University durchgeführte Kurs trug den Titel MEET (Middle East Education through Technology). Leitidee bei dem seit drei Jahren laufenden Experiment ist der Gedanke, dass sich fünfzehnjährige Jugendliche kennen- und schätzen lernen würden, wenn sie sich um eine Aufgabe scharen können, die mit dem herrschenden Konflikt nichts zu tun hat. Geleitet wurde der Kurs von Instruktoren der amerikanischen Eliteuniversität MIT.
Während fünf Wochen arbeiteten die Jungen und Mädchen in kleinen Gruppen miteinander - Umgangssprache war Englisch –, und entwickelten gemeinsame ihre Computerprojekte. Die Projektgruppen bestanden jeweils aus drei Palästinensern und drei Israeli. Es wurde diskutiert, entworfen, gerechnet und programmiert. Aufgaben wurden definiert, und Probleme wurden gelöst. Was überhaupt nicht zur Sprache kam, war der Nahostkonflikt. Und siehe da, die Jungen und Mädchen entdeckten, dass sie mehr Gemeinsames haben als Trennendes. Seitdem sind Noga aus Westjerusalem und Shaimaa aus Ostjerusalem beste Freundinnen, lachen über die gleichen Witze und ärgern sich über die gleichen Dummheiten. Sie gehen gemeinsam Pizza essen und wenn sie nicht zusammen sind, chatten sie auf dem Internet.
George Szpiro
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland)
POB 6278
Jerusalem 91060
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Thursday, 27. July 2006
About the war in Lebanon
peacecamp, 01:44h
Someone had to draw conclusions from the war in Lebanon eighteen years ago. It seems as no one did. Israel had to draw conclusions from the war they started in Gaza. In Gaza a terror organization kidnapped a soldier. Israel reacts in power in order to rescue him. Of course it didn’t succeed, and the situation only got worse. While you are reading this, Israel is still “rescuing” Gilaad Shalit by bombing innocent civilians in Gaza. But as in all wars no side had learned from history, as people say, “history repeats itself”. Israel thought that they would free the soldiers in Lebanon by bombing innocent civilians in Beirut and Hizbolla thought they would free captives in Israel by bombing innocent civilians in Hifa. Power struggles will not achieve anything. Violence leads only to Violence.
I’m not sure Israel’s immediate response to the kidnap was objectionable, but I am sure that what happened after that was. Instead of offering the Hizbolla to hold their fire and take the whole situation to the negotiation table we kept bombing Lebanon killing over 300 people and made about 800,000 lose their houses. The rockets from Lebanon didn’t stop falling because of our bombings, just like the rockets from Gaza didn’t stop. We didn’t get our two soldiers back from the Hizbolla, just like Gilaad Shalit didn’t come back home. We should have at least offered to hold fire; it is worth a try. If the Hizbolla would say no then we could always have returned to this crazy blood circle.
Ido Benbaji.
I’m not sure Israel’s immediate response to the kidnap was objectionable, but I am sure that what happened after that was. Instead of offering the Hizbolla to hold their fire and take the whole situation to the negotiation table we kept bombing Lebanon killing over 300 people and made about 800,000 lose their houses. The rockets from Lebanon didn’t stop falling because of our bombings, just like the rockets from Gaza didn’t stop. We didn’t get our two soldiers back from the Hizbolla, just like Gilaad Shalit didn’t come back home. We should have at least offered to hold fire; it is worth a try. If the Hizbolla would say no then we could always have returned to this crazy blood circle.
Ido Benbaji.
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Ähnliche Initiative:
Jüdische und arabische Jugendliche zum Sport-Turnier in England
Jüdische und arabische Jugendliche zum Sport-Turnier in England
peacecamp, 17:46h
16 Jungen aus jüdischen und arabischen Ortschaften in Galiläa haben einen ganz besondern Unterschlupf vor den Katjuschas gefunden. Während sich ihre Häuser in der Feuerlinie im Norden befinden, sind die Jungen gestern in einem Trainingslager angekommen, das ihre Fußballmannschaft „Galil United“ für ein internationales Turnier fit machen wird, welches in den kommenden Wochen in England stattfindet.
Der Fußballclub der englischen Oberliga Arsenal hat das Turnier ins Leben gerufen. Der Organisator in Israel ist der Landkreis von Gush Misgav. Vor dem Hintergrund der großen Sicherheitsbedrohung im Norden, wo zurzeit täglich Katjuscha-Salven auf Israel abgefeuert werden, hatte die Sportabteilung des Landkreises in Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Mannschaft beschlossen, trotz allem das Projekt fortzuführen, dessen Ziel es ist, die Herzen der arabischen und jüdischen Jugend mit Hilfe des Fußballs zueinander zu führen. (Maariv, 25.7.)
Der Fußballclub der englischen Oberliga Arsenal hat das Turnier ins Leben gerufen. Der Organisator in Israel ist der Landkreis von Gush Misgav. Vor dem Hintergrund der großen Sicherheitsbedrohung im Norden, wo zurzeit täglich Katjuscha-Salven auf Israel abgefeuert werden, hatte die Sportabteilung des Landkreises in Zusammenarbeit mit der englischen Mannschaft beschlossen, trotz allem das Projekt fortzuführen, dessen Ziel es ist, die Herzen der arabischen und jüdischen Jugend mit Hilfe des Fußballs zueinander zu führen. (Maariv, 25.7.)
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Wednesday, 14. June 2006
Friedensgespräche: Israelisch-palästinensisches Kinderparlament in Finnland
peacecamp, 20:27h
12 israelische und palästinensische Kinder, die sorgfältig ausgewählt
werden, brechen bald zu einem Sommerlager in Finnland auf, in dem sie das
gemeinsame Kinderparlament Israels und der Palästinensischen
Autonomiebehörde gründen werden.
Die Aufgabe der Kinder, der Parlamentsmitglieder, wird es sein, am
Verhandlungstisch zu sitzen und neue Ideen für den Frieden in der Region
Die "Weltorganisation des Kinderparlaments", eine selbständige Organisation,
deren Sitz sich in Finnland befindet, hatte die Idee dazu. Sie ist eine
nicht-staatliche Organisation (NGO), der derzeit 50 Staaten angehören.
Der Präsident des Weltkinderparlaments, Arolinna Jyrki, ein Erwachsener,
hatte sich an den israelischen Botschafter in Finnland Shemi Tsur gewandt,
und diesem die ehrgeizige Idee vorgestellt. Die israelische Botschaft in
Finnland spannte für die Aufgabe das Außen- und Erziehungsministerium in
Jerusalem ein. Diese versprachen, die israelischen Kinder, die an dem
gemeinsamen Parlament teilnehmen sollen, zu unterstützen.
Das Erziehungsministerium hat bereist 20 Jerusalemer Schüler zwischen 14 und
16 Jahren gefunden, die in Kürze zu Prüfungen in das Außenministerium kommen
werden. Unter ihnen werden sechs begabte Kinder ausgewählt, die Englisch
sprechen und eine breite Allgemeinbildung besitzen. Diese werden dann auf
ihre Abreise in das Sommerlager vorbereitet.
Die 12 ausgewählten Kinder werden im August ins finnische Forbo reisen. Die
Stadt hatte sich bereit erklärt, die Gründungsversammlung des
israelisch-palästinensischen Kinderparlaments auszurichten. Die
Organisatoren des Projekts werden für die Kosten der Kinderdelegation
aufkommen, da sie in der Veranstaltung und deren Beitrag zur Annäherung
zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern eine große Bedeutung sehen.
Das Außenministerium hat einer Schirmherrschaft für das Projekt zugestimmt
und betont, dass man die Teilnahme Israels an dem Projekt des
Kinderparlaments für sehr wichtig hält. (Yedioth Ahronoth, 14.6.)
werden, brechen bald zu einem Sommerlager in Finnland auf, in dem sie das
gemeinsame Kinderparlament Israels und der Palästinensischen
Autonomiebehörde gründen werden.
Die Aufgabe der Kinder, der Parlamentsmitglieder, wird es sein, am
Verhandlungstisch zu sitzen und neue Ideen für den Frieden in der Region
Die "Weltorganisation des Kinderparlaments", eine selbständige Organisation,
deren Sitz sich in Finnland befindet, hatte die Idee dazu. Sie ist eine
nicht-staatliche Organisation (NGO), der derzeit 50 Staaten angehören.
Der Präsident des Weltkinderparlaments, Arolinna Jyrki, ein Erwachsener,
hatte sich an den israelischen Botschafter in Finnland Shemi Tsur gewandt,
und diesem die ehrgeizige Idee vorgestellt. Die israelische Botschaft in
Finnland spannte für die Aufgabe das Außen- und Erziehungsministerium in
Jerusalem ein. Diese versprachen, die israelischen Kinder, die an dem
gemeinsamen Parlament teilnehmen sollen, zu unterstützen.
Das Erziehungsministerium hat bereist 20 Jerusalemer Schüler zwischen 14 und
16 Jahren gefunden, die in Kürze zu Prüfungen in das Außenministerium kommen
werden. Unter ihnen werden sechs begabte Kinder ausgewählt, die Englisch
sprechen und eine breite Allgemeinbildung besitzen. Diese werden dann auf
ihre Abreise in das Sommerlager vorbereitet.
Die 12 ausgewählten Kinder werden im August ins finnische Forbo reisen. Die
Stadt hatte sich bereit erklärt, die Gründungsversammlung des
israelisch-palästinensischen Kinderparlaments auszurichten. Die
Organisatoren des Projekts werden für die Kosten der Kinderdelegation
aufkommen, da sie in der Veranstaltung und deren Beitrag zur Annäherung
zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern eine große Bedeutung sehen.
Das Außenministerium hat einer Schirmherrschaft für das Projekt zugestimmt
und betont, dass man die Teilnahme Israels an dem Projekt des
Kinderparlaments für sehr wichtig hält. (Yedioth Ahronoth, 14.6.)
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