Tuesday, 27. June 2006
7. Daniel Lónyai 's
expectations of
peacecamp 2006
Dear Evelyn,
I'm sending you my answers for the questions, and I hope I'm not late,
1:My expectations? Well, the ony thing I really hope is to meet and chat with others from eastern cultures, because both Israel and Palestina have been mysterien for my a little bit. A lot of conversations, chats, jokes and fun should happen there, while getting to know each other:)
2:I would like to take home some knowledge about the cultures mentioned above, and a lot of memories about the people I will meet in the camp.
3:All I can contribute to the camp is the brief history of my family, information about my country and lifestyle, habits, etc., and myself. And that whatever we will do in the camp, I will do my best!

Yours sincerely,

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