Monday, 12. June 2006
Bilal Disi, Jameeel Abueid, Farid Srouji, Einas Zaher, Inas Halabi, Maria Ninos, Desirée Barbara, Jana Boulus
1. Bilal Dissi

Dear Sir,

I am sending you this e-mail with regards to our phone call yesterday about the camp.
The following is a brief describtion about me.

My name is Bilal Dissi.I am 16 years old.I am in the 11th grade at ST.GEORGES SCHOOL.I live in Jerusalem.

I have a lot of hobbies some of them are playing football,basketball,swimming,listening to music,reading poems,and chatting.

Since my childhood I was encourged by my parents and family to join different actvties besides studying.I used to take swimming lessons as I was a child.In addition to this I used to join local summer camps annually. Eventually I became a volunteer leader at the YMCA in East Jerusalem for young groups at summer camps there. But last year was one step ahead in my voulnteer activities as I joined the Seeds Of Peace camp in the United States as a member in the Palestnian Delegation of the second session of summer. Then as I came back I continued joining the meetings and particpating in the different activities and volunteer coordination with the Seeds Of Peace and Al Amal Institute for supporting pepole with cancer especially kids and children.

This experience empowered me,raised my awareness in different topics politcal,social,and economical. It enhanced my self esteem and I bacame more self independent.

Hence,as I knew from my friend about your program I decided to apply for joining your team to gain more experience,meet new people and friends as well as get to know other cultures so as to share experience and knowledge.

I appreciate you for accepting me as a member and hope that I would be up to your expectations.

May you please send me your web-site so as to get more details about your orgnizations and actvties.

Feel free to contact me for any further details.

Bilal Dissi.

Tel: 02-6262521
Mobile: 0546267188

>Iam 14 years old next mounth i will do 15 years .
>MY BIRTH DAT :30/6/1991
>I live in Jerusalem/Bit- hanina
>My hobirs is playing football , handball &COLECTING OLD COINES +OID

3. Farid Srouji

Hi !
My name is Farid Srouji. I'm 16 years old a tenth grade student in Sister Of Nazareth school-Haifa. i was born in Haifa, a magnificent city in Israel.
I have two sister smaller than me, the first called Reem and the second Nour. my father is an electrical engineer and my mother is an accountant.
I have a lot of hobbies that can't end, so summarily : i love to swim and paint, playing good chess, I'm also a very good gamer (person who are professional in video games...), making sport, and love travelling around the world.

Farid Srouji

details you ask for:

my name as it written in the passport : Farid Srouji
date of birth : 24/9/1990.
address : Stella Maris street 41/1, Haifa.

i have a medical insurance in Kupat Holim Leumit.

The two friends i have told you about are:

Ihab Mazzawe.
tel: 04-8332681
Maroun Sassien
tel: 04-8312893.

4. Einas Zaher
Hi , well you already know a little bit about me so i'm not going to write a lot :) anyway my name is written in the passport like this "EINAS" but the right way to spell it is either "INASS" or "ENAS". i was born on january 2nd 1990. I have an Israeli passport and i live in haifa on Ahaz st. 8. as for my medical insurance i have a regular one. I guess that's all hope to see you on saturday


Enas Zaher

P.S. if the picture I attached isnt good tell me I'll change it.

5. Inas Halabi
My name's Inas, I'm a 17 year old Palestinian living in Shufat, next to French Hill and at the moment I am enjoying life and relaxing and partying since Im finally done with exams. I cant say much about me in one paragraph but I'll try. Aright here it goes, what I mainly love doing is art, especially ceramics. I think that's what Im going to be doing for a while, at university. Other than art, I love meeting new people and having a good time. I love people with rich cultures. I speak three languages, English, Arabic, and Hebrew, and this and that in French and 5 or 6 words in Russian. I went to an American school for 13 years then transferred to the Anglican School in town and I'm graduating in 8 days. Other than that, Im really excited about Austria and hope to meet everyone and come back with an amazing experience.

Inas Halabi
P.O. Box 51596
Jerusalem, Israel


Maria NinosSelf Description:
Born Nov 3, 1988- Jerusalem.
School- Lycee Francais Jerusalem till Brevet then Anglican school Jerusalem till International Baccalaureate certificates.
I love the arts- and I am not sure of what my future will bring in terms of career and interests but i am open. My work with The Peres Peace Center and noe this summer peace camp makes me think that i might have some talents in peace activity, but time will tell. I love spending time with my firends and swimming and travelling.

7. Desirée Barbara
My name's Desiree ( u can call me Deedee):P, i'm 17 years old, and i'm at the 11th grade.
i live in akko, and i was born at the 28th of november 1989.

i study at the Orthodox Arab Colleg in Haifa, which is 30 km south to akko. I major in the Biotechnology section, which includes- biology, chemistry and biotechnology.

Both haifa and akko are mixed townes where israeli arab and jews live next to each other peacfully . We speak four lanuguaes: Arabic which is my mother tongue and hebrew which is the country's language, English and spanish.

i look for beeing a plastic surgeon, since I'm fascinated to make people look better and feel better.

I play the piano and I enjoy listening to music mostly "sultan altarab" george wassouf.
I like all kinds of sports, and i'm enrolled in the panarama gym "fitness and health" in Haifa, since now we also own a flat in Haifa.
I also like photography, traviling. reading books, watching reality shows, Viva chaneel, music, football- I cheer the champions Italian team .

I have two bigger brothers. the elder is about 26 years old and has a graduating from the medical school in England and got his liscence to practise medicine in Israel.
My second brother is 20 years old and is studing in the technion, the medical engineering department.

My father is an eye sergeon,and is the medical manager in the hadassa optimal center where he aperates his client the laser operationsand to ged rid of there glasses.
My mother is a lecturer in the Arab Teacher's College in Haifa where she teaches education, psychology and teaching methods.

Desiree Borbara.

8. Jana Boulus

about me:

my name is jana boulus, i am almost 18, i am an arab israeli. i went to the jerusalem school from kindergraten till 10th grade, and then i moved to
the anglican international school of jerusalem so i can take the IB, and will be graduating in a week. i took the full IB diploma and majored in english, history, and art. i am palestinian, have an israeli passport, live after the checkpoint, and go to school in the israeli side. i have friends from all over the world, and i enjoy meeting new people.

my hobbies are dancing, PHOTOGRAPHY, all forms of art, reading, and soccer =)
i am a photographer, and it is the only thing i think i am truly good at.
that and arguing =)

i was in the peres center for peace a couple of years ago, and i absolutely loved it. i got to go on tv with an israeli friend and talk about the political situation. i am very passionate about politics and human rights and love to have discussions about the israeli-arab conflict.

i have participated in MUN (model united nations) four times (different countries, all human rights), and have enjoyed every second of it as well.

my dad is a lawyer, my mom is a retired teacher, and i have a younger sister who's still in school, and an older brother whos currently studying second year medicine in technion university.

i am originally from up north (kofer-yaseef), but i live, and i have lived in jerusalem all my life.

i am planning to study hebrew next year, and then the year after that hopefully to study law.

i enjoy traveling, arguing, taking photos, playing and watching soccer (go brasil!), going out with friends, reading, history, dancing, and my computer.

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