Tuesday, 8. August 2006
to evelyn
heey evelyn i wonder...
well we all miss each other like hell! so can u concider to reunite us soon :)? and another question.. are we allowed to come to next year's camp? the whole group?

big hug
enas z.

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hey all
hiii i am really missing the german language because we stopped learning..i mean we had a vacation and i'll be back in 10-sep again.
hmmm...... i think that you dont know me or who am I and i know that i need to introduce my self.
mein name ist Reem.ich bin 16 yahre alt.. ich komme aus israel und ich wonne in qallanswa.
ich habe 2 bruder und 1 schwister.
meine muter ist lehreren.und meine "father-futer i am not sure how can i write it" ist engineer.
i'll be happy if can i know some of the austrian or hungarien group. :d

evelyn i miss you soo much...how is my german? i hope that it is a little bit gut or -spitze

love you all

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Monday, 7. August 2006

After you upload your pic's in "images" you can copy them into a text, as I did here, and put them in "photos"
But it is preferable to send your link to a photo album as we did in "peacecamptalks.blogger.de" - see: "photoalbums"

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hey to all
i am really happy of all of you.
evelyn i am talking with inas zaher..deedee...and bilal in the msn messenger...
i am really happy that you still saying that i am 1 of the peace camp family.
i hope that i can take part in the camp again because i liked it sooooooooo much and i had many great experiences on the camps.
with love

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to hannibal: just a few lines/notes?
hannibal, can I put some of your music from your CD in the blog????????????????????????????????????????
just a few lines/notes? it would be lovely to hear you sing on the blog :-)

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Saturday, 5. August 2006
hey all
hii..........i'm reem from peace camp 2-3.
how are you all????????
i need to know some of you.... i mean i love meeting people so i need to talk to you... and that will be a pleasure for me to have new friends.
i can speak arabic-hebrew-english-and a little bit german:d

my email address is :reemmatani@hotmail.com

your peace camp was a great one like the other ones.... and thank you
love you all reem

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Evelyn, Hello, how are you these days?
I try to login every day ad i read all the comments ,but not always i have the energy to write down what i want and thats becuase of the war in the nurth. as you know i have a family there and its hard for me to aknowlegde the idea that part of my famly is in a war . usually im the one who is in the dangoures ireas( jerusalem ) and every one is worried about me and i keep relaxing them, but now he roles have changed.
i hope that things will get better soon and we all will have our normal life back.
Nezar Tannous

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hii Nizar...
wt's up with u ?

miss u...
deedee :**

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Saturday, 5. August 2006
information needed :P
hey guys..
does anyone know what is rafi & george's e-mail addresses?
tnx all

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A song some of us wrote
It has a melody and someday maybe I'll upload a music file onto the site, but until then...

You will suffer
So just do it
The kitchen was locked
But we got through it
You couldn't catch us
And the music didn't wake us up
You know we're smarter than you are
So just give up!

So give us some love,
Give us love...
(this is the chorus, and it sounds much better with the music!)

You got angry,
Are you sure, is that the truth
Drunks attacked us
But as always, we got through
We fell asleep
In large analytic groups
But we were up at three AM
Allert as troops!

So give us love...

We found new purpose
for Nutella
And though the showers got rather brown
We had fun
We seeked
And found vengence
And woke up at five AM
To see the sun!

So give us love...

We crashed a party,
We didn't finish "happy days"`
Hannibal was screaming
But it all ended OK.
Throwing each other
Into the fly-infested lake
Celebrating birthdays
Throwing at each other cake!

so give...

We learned new words
'kurva', 'ma'afan' and 'cooky'
We felt like lab-rats -
Did the experiment succeed?
Well, we had fun
And we even blocked a car
But more than all - we love ourselves
Just the way we are!


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photo-albums for blog
see under "PHOTOS"
hallo all peace-campers,
can all those who have pictures of the camp put them in albums and then in the blog like we did on previous camps, like for example : http://peacecamptalks.blogger.de/topics/links+to+photo+albums/

it would be great to see all your pictures!

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OHHH... If I'm at msn, and I'm :eating, not there... etc. I AM 90 % AT THE COMPUTER, SO YOU CAN CLICK ON ME!!!
and my name there is Garu

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It was BOOORRIINNG after the Peacecamp...
It wasn't bad, but it was like a hamburger without meat... :))
Remember Denish

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please do not forget
1.to answer the 4 questions
I am reminding you, that every 5th person who sends the answers will win a prize.
It will not take you more than 10 minutes to do this!
2. send me an essay on how you perceiced peacecamp: your summary.
as you see, i myself wrote 2 texts about the peacecamp. please, do it too.
Here are, again, the 4 questions

1. Please write down the BEST experience you had at peacecamp 2006 (only one: please describe the experience/event )

2. Please write down the WORST experience you had at peacecamp (only one: please describe the experience/event)

3. Please put the following activities in the order of your preference from 10 (what you liked most) to 1 (what you liked least):

- music-workshop
- dance-workshop
- inner sound-workshop
- analytical large group
- outdoor-challenges
- culture evenings
- hanging out with friends
- amusement parc in Vienna
- open-day at Franzen
- evening at "Ma Pitom", Vienna

4. What would you improve/change in peacecamp?
Please write your recommandations.

Please send your answer to: bohmerATutanet.at
until August 31st, 2006

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Thursday, 3. August 2006
DeEdoOoOsh :P
hii all,

i really miss u all so much :(...
sorry i couldn't write before cuz i was in italy.
hope u all okay


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