Wednesday, 30. August 2006
Veronica Lion über peacecamp 2006
Teilnehmerin der Österreichischen gruppe
Veronica Lion über peacecamp 2006
Hier sitze ich nun und denke über die vergangenen zehn tage nach. Sie waren wohl das aufregendste und tollste, was mir in meinem leben je widerfahren ist. Immer noch könnte ich in tränen ausbrechen, wenn ich daran zurückdenke, als wir alle gemeinsam am flughafen standen und uns zum abschied umarmten, wohl wissend, dass es sein könnte, dass wir uns nie wiedersehen. Niemals hätte ich gedacht, dass ich so viele tränen vergießen würde. Aber als ich in die vereinzelten verheulten gesichter blickte, und zwar nicht nur in die der mädchen, realisierte ich zum ersten mal nach diesen tagen, dass es wirklich aus war.
Es war nun vorbei mit dem morgentlichen gewecktwerden von einem der mädchen, vorbei mit dem anblick der müden geschichter in den betten und im badezimmer vor den spiegeln, wo die ersten morgentlichen schönheitsrituale anfingen. Es war aus mit dem sich-zum-frühstück-schleifen und dort eine portion cerealien mit milch in sich hineinschütten um zum ersten workshop zu hasten. Es würde kein singen mehr in der früh geben, kein sich-fürchten davor von Hannibal dem gesangslehrer in aller früh zum alleinigen vorsingen gedrängt zu werden, keine gemeinsamen gospelsongs und sich gegenseitig anlächeln und über die witzigen methoden hannibals zu lachen, wenn er uns dazu brachte unseren mund seitlich mit der hand zu einem fischmund zusammenzudrücken um den tönen, die aus unserem mund strömten freien lauf zu lassen. Auch würde er uns nie mehr dazu zwingen um neun in der früh vollkommen gerade und mit beiden beinen fest auf dem boden aufkommend dazusitzen.
Es würde auch keine tanzstunden mehr mit gabrielle geben, die uns mit ihrem morgentlichen sonnen-sand gruß aufwecken wollte. es würde keine tänzerischen improvisations-bewegungsspiele mehr geben, die uns die scheu vor einander nehmen sollten. und überhaupt würde es keinen vormittag in naher zukunft geben, der so auf diese art und weise gestaltet werden würde. Kein vormittag der welt würde mit einer group discussion (analytische großgruppe) zu ende gehen, die ich absolut nicht austehen konnte und sie doch irgendwie zu bewältigen lernen musste.
Die spannung was sich hinter den gelieferten metallkisten in unserer küche befand, was heute unser mittagessen sein würde, das gemeinsame anstellen, das herumalbern, das suchen nach einem platz, immer der gleiche saft, das singen, das wir so gut wie nie unterbrachen, einfach alles. sogar das abwaschen, zu dem jeder einmal eingeteilt wurde würde ausfallen. nirgends würde es mir je wieder so viel spaß machen können.
All die nachmittage, die wir auf der schaukel, am und im see beim reinstoßen anderer und beim reinstoßen-werden, teilweise im bett aufgrund unserer dauermüdigkeit, am gang sitzend und uns unterhaltend und herumalbernd und film schauend, all jene gehören der vergangenheit jener zehn tage an.
Die geteilten afternoon group works würden ein ende haben. das ständige herumstreiten welche idee die bessere sei, ob man von oben oder von unten über das seil steigen sollte, wer wo ziehen soll und ob man die aufgabe überhaupt bewältigen könne würde aufhören, zum glück, denn unsere gruppe war eine katastrophe...und doch gehörte es dazu.
Das abendessen, das abermalige herumgealbere, das sich-anhören von jüdischen witzen über den holocaust und über die jetzige situation, das am anfang und wohl immer noch für uns schwer nachvollziehbar war, das lange aufbleiben bis spät in die nacht und die mitternächtlichen käsebrot mit tomaten snacks-noch nie in meinem leben habe ich so viele käsebrote gegessen-das schließliche einschlafen als die sonne schon bereit war aufzugehen in einem einmaligen schnachkonzert dreier mädchen, die es tatsächlich schafften einen todmüden menschen vom schlafen abzuhalten, das neben einander schlafen, das mitten in der nacht von erlebnissen flüstern, das in einem bett oder draußen im schlafsack schlafen, das alles war nun vorbei.
Es würde keine umarmungen geben, die so aus dem nichts auftauchen, von leuten, die man gerade einmal zehn tage seines und ihres ganzen lebens kannte. nie könnte man unseren ausreißerausflug um fünf in der früh nachahmen, nie wäre das gefühl das gleiche auf einmal uris auto zu sehen. Nie gäbe es diese konflikte und probleme, die es dort natürlich auch gab. Nie glaubte ich würde ich jemals so viel schande für österreich empfinden, als eine kleingruppe von uns von betrunkenen leuten der umgebung beschimpft und angegriffen wurde.
Nie würde ich all die leute vergessen, die mir in dem augenblick am flughafen in die augen sahen und mich fest drückten. Ich weinte sogar um die, die nicht zu meinen besten freunden dort gehörten. Schließlich hatte ich sie alle irgendwie in diesen zehn tagen in mein herz geschlossen. Sogar jetzt wenn ich darüber schreibe füllen sich meine augen mit tränen, ich kann nichts dagegen tun. Genauso wenig wie damals am flughafen. Und es schien so lange her als wir sie dort zehn tage zuvor abgeholt hatten.

Ich war mit dreißig anderen jungen menschen am tag unserer ankunft in einen traum gefallen. ich glaubte er würde nie enden, sondern ewig so weitergehen. die tage vergingen und ich verlor jegliches zeitgefühl. doch die tage vergingen, so schnell, dass ich es überhaupt nciht mitbekam. Ich glaube es gibt kein einziges gefühl dass ich in diesem camp nciht gefühlt habe. vorrangig habe ich gelacht und mich unendlich glückllich gefühlt, aber es gab auch momente, in denen das gegenteil der fall war. Ich fühlte mich teil der gruppe, dann wieder nicht, war wütend, traurig, fröhlich und einfach wunschlos glücklich. Ich habe sehr viel über mich selbst herausgefunden in diesem traum, der am flughafen zerplatzen musste. doch der abschied wurde gekrönt von einem tollen abend im gnadenlos am schwedenplatz. keiner dort konnte meiner ansicht nach wahrhaben was am nächsten morgen passieren würde und doch hatte wohl jeder das mulmelige gefühl im magen, dass man morgen leute umarmen würde, die man in seinem ganzen lebe nie wieder treffen würde, oder doch???

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"Let's trust again" or Mission Impossible?
A letter to the participants of peacecamp 2006
by Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer

Dear peacecamp 2006-participants of all four groups!

Here I am, after 10 wonderful and exciting days we have spent together.
And I am asking myself whether I have given away the moment, whether I have missed the chance, the chance to tell you: Please don't give up.

Please don't give up the chance to shape your world, don't give up the chance to seek solutions even where there seems to be none. I know that our world faces seemingly unresolvable conflicts and problems. The conflict in the Middle East is but one of them. Europe, which through many centuries has seen bloodshed and wars between competing nations, is now consolidating to a united and proud continent, in which shared concerns have come to replace many of the national strivings, which have so often led to violence, war and bloodshed. And yet much needs to be achieved also in Europe; it is our task to protect and to promote what has been achieved and to ward off any tendencies that might stand in the way to peace, freedom and prosperity in our and other countries.

I was sad when I heard you say that there seems to be no solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East. I want to tell you that I do believe that there are solutions, even though we may not yet see them. I know that we are too few, too young, too unimportant to find solutions to political conflicts which generations of grown up people have failed to resolve.

And yet I am asking you to please not give up.

On the peacecamp, we were all confronted with difficult challenges.
Many of them seemed impossible, and yet, we managed to cope with them and succeeded in making a few missions impossible possible.

The whole peacecamp-project was such a challenge. When I first had the idea, everybody tried to dissuade me from it: I had no funds, no partners, no team, no tools, nothing. I did not know where and how to begin. The only thing I had was an idea and the strong wish to realize it, no matter how.

We have now realized the forth peacecamp within 3 years. This seems like a miracle.
We did it because we managed to "contaminate" others with the peacecamp-idea. I did not stop talking about it. I told everybody, everybody I knew and everybody I met about it. I asked my friends to help, to cooperate. And I found wonderful people, people who were willing to give a lot of their time and energy and to cooperate for no money, and for no other reason than just the gratification to make this "mission impossible" become possible.

On the camp, we all had to cope with mission impossible challenges. I saw you at the lake, when Uri or Nezar made you "suffffer" at tasks which seemed absolutely impossible to perform. I saw you combine your individual forces, your creativity and talents, I saw you unite as a group, as a team, in order to make the impossible possible. I saw you overcome your personal fears, I saw you take a risk; I saw you take all the risks that people usually tend to avoid in order not to make a fool of themselves, in order not to tire themselves, in order not to hurt themselves, in order not to be let down by others. And you did it. I saw you act as members of a team, rather than as individuals; when the team to which you belonged became important enough, you were able to overcome your own, individual fears and apprehensions for the benefit of the goal shared by all. This is how you could cope with the challenges and make the mission impossible possible.

I also saw you unite as a group in your attempt to question adult authority and although my first reaction to this was anger, I now understand how precious your "revolt" is to me in the retrospect: It now symbolizes for me your power as a group of critical young people, with your own critical judgement and the ability to disobey authority in a non-violent, peaceful and constructive way. It confirms my belief that you will not submit to rules or to rulers that you consider unjust or which do not lead you in the right direction. I therefore perceive you as immune to some of the diseases of society which often lead to injustice, discrimination, to violence and wars: you will not toe the line of any parties or leaders, but will rather voice your protest and unite with others in the attempt to find new goals and new ways in new, creative and non-violent manners.

When you, Israeli and Palestinian, can perceive it as your shared goal to live in peace and freedom in this Promised Land, which you both consider your homeland, you will find ways to tell others about it and find allies and tools apt to meet this challenge. When we, who live here in Europe, can make it our shared concern to assist and support your just quest for a safe homeland, we are all together on the right path into a better world and a better future.

Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
August 1st, 2006

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Tuesday, 1. August 2006

"Let's trust again" or Mission Impossible?
A letter to the participants of peacecamp 2006
by Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer

Dear peacecamp 2006-participants of all four groups!

Here I am, after 10 wonderful and exciting days we have spent together.
And I am asking myself whether I have given away the moment, whether I have missed the chance, the chance to tell you: Please don't give up.

Please don't give up the chance to shape your world, don't give up the chance to seek solutions even where there seems to be none. I know that our world faces seemingly unresolvable conflicts and problems. The conflict in the Middle East is but one of them. Europe, which through many centuries has seen bloodshed and wars between competing nations, is now consolidating to a united and proud continent, in which shared concerns have come to replace many of the national strivings, which have so often led to violence, war and bloodshed. And yet much needs to be achieved also in Europe; it is our task to protect and to promote what has been achieved and to ward off any tendencies that might stand in the way to peace, freedom and prosperity in our and other countries.

I was sad when I heard you say that there seems to be no solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East. I want to tell you that I do believe that there are solutions, even though we may not yet see them. I know that we are too few, too young, too unimportant to find solutions to political conflicts which generations of grown up people have failed to resolve.

And yet I am asking you to please not give up.

On the peacecamp, we were all confronted with difficult challenges.
Many of them seemed impossible, and yet, we managed to cope with them and succeeded in making a few missions impossible possible.

The whole peacecamp-project was such a challenge. When I first had the idea, everybody tried to dissuade me from it: I had no funds, no partners, no team, no tools, nothing. I did not know where and how to begin. The only thing I had was an idea and the strong wish to realize it, no matter how.

We have now realized the forth peacecamp within 3 years. This seems like a miracle.
We did it because we managed to "contaminate" others with the peacecamp-idea. I did not stop talking about it. I told everybody, everybody I knew and everybody I met about it. I asked my friends to help, to cooperate. And I found wonderful people, people who were willing to give a lot of their time and energy and to cooperate for no money, and for no other reason than just the gratification to make this "mission impossible" become possible.

On the camp, we all had to cope with mission impossible challenges. I saw you at the lake, when Uri or Nezar made you "suffffer" at tasks which seemed absolutely impossible to perform. I saw you combine your individual forces, your creativity and talents, I saw you unite as a group, as a team, in order to make the impossible possible. I saw you overcome your personal fears, I saw you take a risk; I saw you take all the risks that people usually tend to avoid in order not to make a fool of themselves, in order not to tire themselves, in order not to hurt themselves, in order not to be let down by others. And you did it. I saw you act as members of a team, rather than as individuals; when the team to which you belonged became important enough, you were able to overcome your own, individual fears and apprehensions for the benefit of the goal shared by all. This is how you could cope with the challenges and make the mission impossible possible.

I also saw you unite as a group in your attempt to question adult authority and although my first reaction to this was anger, I now understand how precious your "revolt" is to me in the retrospect: It now symbolizes for me your power as a group of critical young people, with your own critical judgement and the ability to disobey authority in a non-violent, peaceful and constructive way. It confirms my belief that you will not submit to rules or to rulers that you consider unjust or which do not lead you in the right direction. I therefore perceive you as immune to some of the diseases of society which often lead to injustice, discrimination, to violence and wars: you will not toe the line of any parties or leaders, but will rather voice your protest and unite with others in the attempt to find new goals and new ways in new, creative and non-violent manners.

When you, Israeli and Palestinian, can perceive it as your shared goal to live in peace and freedom in this Promised Land, which you both consider your homeland, you will find ways to tell others about it and find allies and tools apt to meet this challenge. When we, who live here in Europe, can make it our shared concern to assist and support your just quest for a safe homeland, we are all together on the right path into a better world and a better future.

Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
August 1st, 2006

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Monday, 31. July 2006

4 questions AFTER peacecamp 2006

To be answered until August 31st, 2006
Dear peacecamp2006 - participants

In accordance with requirements of our main sponsor, the European Union, and for further panning of the peacecamp-project, we would like you to answer the following questions.

Your answers will be put in the blog when ALL the answers have been collected.

Every 5th entry will win a prize.

1. Please write down the BEST experience you had at peacecamp 2006 (only one: please describe the experience/event )

2. Please write down the WORST experience you had at peacecamp (only one: please describe the experience/event)

3. Please put the following activities in the order of your preference from 10 (what you liked most) to 1 (what you liked least):

- music-workshop
- dance-workshop
- inner sound-workshop
- analytical large group
- outdoor-challenges
- culture evenings
- hanging out with friends
- amusement parc in Vienna
- open-day at Franzen
- evening at "Ma Pitom", Vienna

4. What would you improve/change in peacecamp?
Please write your recommandations.

Please send your answer to:
until August 31st, 2006

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Wednesday, 26. July 2006

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